Tuesday, October 21, 2008


My fibers are intentional. I am open to accidents when they occur, but mostly I have a goal in mind when I am dyeing. With my fiber dyeing I am seeking a feeling memory rather than a rational one. The goal is for each piece to evoke a color memory that is associated with a powerful feeling, a true emotion. The feeling could be a basic emotion without words like happy, sad, lonely, joy, or it could be one that the observer would have visted frequently enough to have a verbal tag or story for it. When someone looks at my work I want her/him to say "That yarn looks like the sunset when we visted the Grand Canyon in 1968, remember??" or "When I see that roving I am suddenly aware of the feeling that I had when I fell in love with Jamie." Each colorway does not have to evoke the same feeling in everyone who looks at it. Memories are not templated; therefore, colors should not be organized the same way for everyone. However, I do know that I have not done my work well if somebody says "You have the color blue that I need for my pattern." I also don't want to stay in the world of happy feelings. Each person has a range of emotions, some happy, some not so happy. A life without either end point is lived less fully than necessary. I cannot afford to live only part of a life on any given day. I hope everyone will enjoy the diversity in my 2008 - 2009 fiber collection. I have chosen to use the phrase... WhorlingTides: Fiber Arts for the Colors of Your Life. Now you know why.

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