Friday, October 17, 2008

My 300th Etsy Heart is Rawfish

Sometime ago I decided that I wanted to send a gift to the person who would be my 3ooth "heart" on Etsy. And this week, in the midst of all my new listings, along came Rawfish.
Rawfish (aka Laila) happens to be another Etsy seller. She is a spinner and a fiber artist with a bold sense of color. For her "heart" prize she selected several of the Why Knot mini batts. They are pretty cute as you can see below.

Take a look at her shop, too. If you need some hip handspun, her shop would be a good place to start. And Laila...Thanks for looking at WhorlingTides on Etsy.

Rawfish blogs at - love her pics of roving drying on the porch. Looks like my back yard. You can find her in my list of fav blogs!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i agree that rawfish is great! i always look at her work when it's posted. ooooh how deliscious those batts are!