Wednesday, March 12, 2008

First Treasury

I wanted to post this link to the first Etsy treasury that has contained my roving. At least it is the first one that I know about. The neon colors fit right in with the theme and all the other items chosen.

I've included the link as well as the image because I'm not sure that the image will actually appear.

This whole fiber thing has taken over my world. There's fibers in the studio, fibers in the bedroom, fibers in the bathroom, and spinning wheels all over the house. My daughter came home the other day and said "Mom, the spinning wheels are taking over the house. I don't think you need to get anymore!" It is true. Now that I have my Schacht I don't think I will get anymore.

All the people I am meeting through fibers are so wonderful. They want to share their knowledge and their experiences in a totaly unselfish way. I feel like I have found my place. After 50 years, it is about time.


Colorado Knitter said...

I am so glad to meet you out here in the fiber world! Keep creating! you are one talented lady~
I am itching with anticipation by the way! Will today be the day I am united with my gorgeous new yarn?

Unknown said...

Hi Rita

I saw your blog mentioned on etsyfast and it seems like we are in similar situations. I am having fun figuring out computer things like starting a blog; (I enjoyed yours!), learning the ropes with etsy, in my 50's and finding weaving as a passion.Spinning has been a passion for awhile now just; trying to figure out the marketing. Good luck with your ventures, sounds like you're off to a great start, Angie