Monday, January 19, 2009

Contest - Prize is WhorlingTides' Braid of Your Own Colorway

The prize for this contest will be the WhorlingTides braid of your own colorway.....I will dye a braid for you with up to 4 colors in either BFL, Falkland, or Merino. All you have to do is be the closest guess to the actual number of sales I make this week at the January Spin-In!

The Spin-In is an annual event in Destin, Florida. I've never been. But there will be at least 110 spinners landing in Destin on January 21 staying through January 24, and WhorlingTides will be one of about 10 vendors present. I have heard that some spinners buy most of their supplies for the year at this event. I'm thrilled to be going, meeting all the spinners, getting to spin with all the spinners, and having a booth of yummy WhorlingTides fibers for sale. What could be finer than a business paid trip to the beach in the dead of winter?!?!?

The winner will be the person who is closest to the actual number of receipts that I write. If there is a tie...I will select the number that is lower than the actual number of receipts. Please check the numbers that have already been posted because I will have to use the number from the first person who submitted it.

Please tell me the number AND the type of fiber you want. I will order the fiber when I get back so it will take at least three weeks before you get your braid. The shipping, of course, is part of the prize! SAMPLE - 72, BFL. Make sure I know how to find you by posting an email address, blog, ravelry or etsy name....

Thanks so much for playing along with the contest.


Angela said...

Have a great time! My guess is 87, Falkland
You can find me as amyers on Rav

Unknown said...

Sounds Awesome! I say: 78, BFL. :)

Fran B., Katy, TX said...

My guess is 110, Merino
memawx3 on Rav

Ann said...

I hope for more, but guess 123. BFL, stashymama on RavLand.

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

I think I'll go for a nice round number like 68. I hope you have a great time and lots of success at the Spin-In.

sheep#100 said...

Very much luck to you!!! While I would like to be more optimistic for you, I'm going to venture a guess of 53 receipts - because no vendor ever can sell to every single attendee. It just never happens, does it?

PS - I like merino.

HLF said...

Just for giggles, how about 99?

Anonymous said...

All the best and all kinds of fun. You'll do very well I'm sure.
my guess is 60 but I hope it's more! Sandispins on ravelry and I'd like Faulkland.

One Sheep said...

I'll wish you make a thousand sales, but I'll guess 41. Based on my hatred of carrying too much around at events like this, I'm thinking some folks won't buy at the event, but will follow up with you later over the internet. I'd choose BFL.

Unknown said...

Hmmm....# of receipts rather than # of items....I'll guess I'll guess 54. I love BFL and I'm chocaholic on Ravelry.
Have a great time!

Melinda said...

Sounds like a great time. I wish I were going. My guess is 57, BFL. You can find me as melseyknits on Ravelry. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun! My guess is 70, BFL :) You can reach me at ritsuka on ravelry.

Kanjun said...

Sounds like fun! I'd guess 62, and I love BFL =) I'm aideen on Rav

Linda B said...

I'm guessing 66.
Mamamentor on Ravelry.
Hope you had fun!

Mavis said...

what fun! I'll guess 77, Merino. I am madamgsd on Ravelry